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Member of the boards of Beijer Alma, Epiroc and Valedo Partners. Chairman of the Swedish Financial Reporting Board and Member of the Board of the  View today's stock price, news and analysis for Beijer Alma AB Series B (0YG7). Barron's also Henrik PerbeckPresident, Chief Executive Officer & Director. Board member of VBG Group AB, Instalco Intressenter AB, Stibtech AB and Beijer Alma AB. Shareholding in the company (including ownership by related  Other assignments: Board Chairman of Aditro Logistics AB. Previous Previous assignments: President and CEO of Beijer Alma AB and Director of. Treasury of  View the latest Beijer Alma AB Series B (BEIA.B) stock price, news, Chairman; Henrik Perbeck President, Chief Executive Officer & Director; Erika Ståhl Other board assignments: Chairman of Liljedahl Group AB, Elcowire Group AB, CEO and President at Beijer Alma, deputy CEO at LGP Telecom and CFO at  Sven Sahle Chairman of the Board Born 1974 Member of the Board since 2015, Chairman since 2016. CEO of AC Cleantech Growth Fund I Holding AB, the second largest shareholder of Swedish Beijer Alma, Member of the Board. International Arbitration), 2016-2019; Advisory Board, Young Arbitrators Sweden (SCC), 2015-2016; Secretary of the board of directors, Beijer Alma AB ( publ)  statement motivating its proposals to the Board of Directors of Gränges AB Latour AB, Sweco AB, AxFast AB, Recipharm AB and of Beijer Alma AB. Previous   Anders also serves as a Member of the Board of Directors at AXFast AB, Investment AB Latour, Recipharma AB and Beijer-Alma AB, among others.

Beijer alma ab board of directors

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Beijer Alma AB, Uppsala. 63 likes. Beijer Alma är en internationell, börsnoterad industrigrupp med inriktning på komponenttillverkning och industrihandel. 2021-03-03 · The extraordinary general meeting in Beijer Ref AB (publ) today made the following resolutions in accordance with the proposals of the Nomination Committee, regarding the election of new board members. Due to the extraordinary situation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic the extraordinary general meeting was carried out through postal voting, without physical presence.

2019. Growth via acquisitions.

Board of Directors - FMM-Mora

ett kapitaliseringsavtal, som beviljas av Nordea Livförsäkring Finland Ab, FO-nummer Bolaget är en Industrigruppen Beijer Alma stiger på tisdagsbörsen efter att Nordea höjt riktkursen med  ADMINISTRATION REPORT. The Board of Directors and CEO of Recipharm AB (publ.) Gränges AB, AxFast AB,. Beijer-Alma AB, SWECO AB. The Board of Directors intend to propose to the shareholders at the Annual General Board member of Beijer Alma AB, Engelhardt AB, IMEGO. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE MANAGEMENT a non-executive director of a number of investment funds, both Beijer Alma Ab. 7,451.

Beijer alma ab board of directors

Transparency report - PwC

Former President and CEO of SSAB Svenskt Stål.

board with a smaller quota of directors holding shares in the company. From this, we could say that sanctioned Beijer Alma AB. Industriverksamhet. 2010:1.
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1995. Presentation of nominated members of the Board of Directors Anders Ullberg Chairman of the Board since 2005 Born: 1946 M.Sc. (Business Administration and Economics) Directorships: Chairman of the Boards of Eneqvistbolagen and Studsvik Member of the Boards of Atlas Copco, Beijer Alma, Sapa Holding, Valedo Partners and Åkers issues create challenges for Beijer Alma and for society as a whole. Approaching our operations from a life cycle perspective – raw materials, suppliers, products, services and customers. Customers and other stakeholders are showing a growing interest in environmental and social responsibility.

The Board of Directors shall have its registered office in the Municipality of Uppsala, C. § 3 Business Invitation to presentation of Beijer Alma’s interim report. Beijer Alma AB (publ) will publish its interim report for the first quarter 2021 on Monday, April 26, at around 08.00 (CEST).
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Corporate Governance and board turnover - Stockholm

Henrik Perbeck, 48 President, Chief Executive Officer & Director: Beijer Alma AB: Oskar Hellström, 40 Director: Beijer Alma AB, Gränges Aluminium (Shanghai) Ltd., Gränges Sweden AB Beijer Alma AB is a Sweden-based company engaged in the production of components and industrial trading.