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h-index bibliometri
Advanced Materials, 252 Journal of Materials Chemistry. A, 163, 214. 10. 20.
Useful For 2004-09-01 · For journal ranking use, the h-index is defined as the h number of articles in the journal received at least h citations in the coverage years 3; the g-index is defined as the highest number g of papers that together received g2 or more citations 4.** h-index and g-index followed by two asterisks indicates that the results are based on the top A multi-disciplinary database of peer-reviewed literature, Scopus indexes a broader range of journals than Web of Science, which can result in a higher h-index. However, citations to pre-1996 articles published after 1996 are not currently included in the h-index calculation provided by Scopus. The h-index is a simple way to measure the impact of your work and other peoples' research. It does this by looking at the number of highly impactful publications a researcher has published. The higher the number of cited publications, the higher the h -index, regardless of which journal the work was published in. De h-index werd in augustus 2005 gedefinieerd door de fysicus Jorge E. Hirsch in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift PNAS. Hirsch definieerde de h-index als volgt: Een wetenschappelijk onderzoeker heeft index h als h van zijn of haar in totaal N publicaties ten minste h maal geciteerd zijn in andere publicaties, en de andere ( N - h ) publicaties niet meer dan h maal geciteerd zijn.
11 Oct 2011 This paper proposes using a new metric, h, and new data, drawn from Google Scholar, for ranking sociology journals. This approach is more 26 Mar 2014 Similarly, the h-index only uses citations to your work that come from journal articles, written by other scholars.
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Title, Type, SJR · H index · Total Docs. (2019) · Total Docs. (3years) · Total Refs. (2019) · Total Cites (3years) The h-index in the Citation Report reflects citations as of the most recent database update, so it could vary upon subsequent analyses.
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Gabi Vom Schleicherteam , Uppf Van Vliet P H. Angly first name was found 16 times in 6 Research output : Contribution to journal › Article How to create functioning RANK RESEARCHER ORCID ORGANIZATION H INDEX CITATIONS;
Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 3 (1), 41-48, 2013. 9, 2013. Crime Scene Skåne: Guilty Landscapes and Cracks in the Functionalist Façade in Sidetracked,
Louise Glass 5, Jamie H. Carl Magnus Napolon Palmqvist was born on month day You searched for: Journal Quaternary international Remove constraint Journal: A. RANK RESEARCHER ORCID ORGANIZATION H INDEX CITATIONS;
Den h -index definieras som det högsta värdet för h så att den givna författaren / journal har publicerat h papper som har var och citeras
The New England Journal of Medicine publicerade resultatet av två fas 3-studier med jämfört med sekukinumab enligt Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI 100) vid vecka 16 (61,7 Yang XO, Chang SH, Park H, et al. Janelidze S, Stomrud E, Palmqvist S, Zetterberg H, van Westen D, Jeromin A, Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering Materials Science.
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Journal Impact Factor (Clarivate Analytics). Journal Impactor Factor (JIF) är den mest använda indikatorn på tidskriftsnivå men det finns även Ranking for Computer Science in Sweden. The ranking is based on h-index, citations and number of DBLP documents gathered by May 16th 2020. This ranking forskares inflytande (author impact) samt tidskrifters inflytande (journal impact) med olika bibliometriska indikatorer (h-index, g-index o.s.v.).
The h-index is a way of measuring the productivity and citation impact of the publications. Social Sciences Citation Index och Google Scholar för alla forskare med tetsmåttet på tidskrifter är Journal Impact Factor (JIF) som ingår i
av S EK · Citerat av 1 — Vår analys av antalet citeringar i Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index och mest använda kvalitetsmåttet på tidskrifter är Journal Impact Factor (JIF). Båda dessa index används för att skapa den årliga statistiken från Journal Citation Reports, som i sin tur genererar Journal Impact Factor. Denna Impact Factor
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IJRDT - Google Scholar
Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. Search across a wide variety of disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions. They are also cited quite often in journals that are not ISI indexed, such as European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business to Business Marketing and Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, which increases their Google Scholar h-index over their JIF and better reflects their overall impact on the field of marketing. 2021-03-12 · The h index Expresses the journal's number of articles (h) that have received at least h citations. It quantifies both journal scientific productivity and scientific impact and it is also applicable to scientists, countries, etc. Author’s total article count = 33; 18 of the articles are cited at least 18 times; h-index = 18 The h-index indicates the number of papers, h, that have been cited at least htimes (e.g.