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Anna Hammarstedt - Försvarshögskolan

Through comprehensive research programmes, the department has developed expertise in a wide spectrum of international, African and domestic politics. Welcome! Thank you for your interest in graduate education in political science at the University of Pittsburgh. This Web site provides information for both current and potential graduate students, and you should be able to find answers to all of your questions here. This program offers training for careers in research and teaching in the heart of Atlanta. It has particular strengths in Political Behavior, Public Law and Democratization.

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Assistant Professor at Stockholm University. His current research focuses on business and human rights policies and rising power influence in global governance. Stockholm University Department of Philosophy SE - 10691 Stockholm, Sweden. Visiting address Department of Philosophy Universitetsvägen 10 D Frescati, Stockholm, Sweden. Head of Department Björn Eriksson, bjorn.eriksson@philosophy.su.se. Directors of Graduate studies (PhD level) Theoretical philosophy: Henrik Lagerlund henrik.lagerlund The Department of Political Science’s gender equality plan is a local application of Stockholm University’s overarching gender equality plan and is aimed at both employees and students. According to this policy, each department should implement at least three concrete equality 2019-06-24 · PhD Fellowship in Political Science with Orientation Towards Comparative European Politics 2019, University of Stockholm, Sweden About the University.

B.A. in Government, Dartmouth College. Eric Stern Headshot.

Tommy Möller - Wikipedia

Ph.D. diss., Stockholm University, 2014.

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Master's Programme - Uppsala universitet

Stockholm: SNS F¨orlag. Lindvall, J. 2006. Ett land  International Studies - Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal. 15. 35-48. Nilsson, M. Stockholm, Santérus Academic Press Sweden. 268-285.

Ph. D in Economics, Stockholm University,  PhD Studies The Department of Political Science at Stockholm University offers a graduate programme leading to the Swedish degree of 'filosofie doktor' (Ph.D.). The studies of students accepted to the programme are fully financed by the Department (external financing by e.g. a research institute is also possible). Department of Political Science, Stockholm University. New research project has been granted 3,2 million SEK from the Swedish Research Council.
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(  Cecilia A˚ se is a PhD in Political Science and works as a teacher and researcher at. Stockholm University. Her research interests presently focus on  I have a Ph.D.

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The deadline of the scholarship is .