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NGC 1991-02 Utredning av små gasturbin - SGC
It is not located in the Solar System. It lies at a distance of about 3,000,000.00 light years away in the constellation of Triangulum. It is also referred to as NGC 595 in the New General Catalogue. NGC 595 is a HII Ionized region in the Triangulum constellation. NGC 595 is situated north of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the northern hemisphere. Object Name NGC 595 Object Type HII Ionized region NGC 595: A Great Diffuse Nebula in M33 StarformingNebulaNGC 595in the Triangulum Galaxy M33in Triangulum Discovered by Heinrich Ludwig d'Arrest on October 1, 1864.
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Xıl de be pusula Xıl de cıgeyrayışi. Dosya; Verêniya dosya; Gurenayışê dosya; Gurenayışê dosyaya gılovere; Vervênayışê ebatê ngc 595 — Дохкаллин а, седарчийн гуламийн а керла юкъара каталогехь ягарйина галактикаш. NGC 595: Observaj datumoj (Epoko J2000.0) Speco: Parto de galaksio Rektascensio: 01h 33m 34,0s Deklinacio +30° 41' 32" Distanco: Videbla magnitudo (V) 13,5 Fota NGC 5957 (također poznat kao IRAS 15330+1212, MCG 2-40-4, PGC 55520 i UGC 9915) je prečkasta spiralna galaksija koja je udaljena oko 84 miliona sg od Zemlje i nalazi se u sazviježđu Zmija. Najveći prečnik je 2,80 (68 hiljada sg) a najmanji 2,6 uglovnih minuta (63 hiljade sg). NGC 5953 (također poznat kao Arp 91, IRAS 15322+1521, MCG 3-40-5, PGC 55480 i UGC 9903) je spiralna galaksija koja je udaljena oko 90 miliona sg od Zemlje i nalazi se u sazviježđu Zmija.
Its Wolf-Rayet starcontent has mainly been unveiled by two different channels. On the onehand, the stellar population of NGC 595 has been resolved and its WRstars identified through on-line/off-line HeIIlambda4686 observationsrealised with the HST. NGC 595, Yeni Baş Kataloqda qeydə alınmış H II bölgesidir.Göy üzündə Ücbucaq bürcü istiqamətində yerləşir.
NGC 1991-02 Utredning av små gasturbin - SGC
Bussningskit Powerflex PFF16-521 Lower Triangle Galaxy, även känd somMessier 33 eller NGC 598 är den tredje av NGC 604-området med 200 småstjärnor och NGC 595, som praktiskt taget inte 1989. översättningen till svenska har gjorts på uppdrag av NGC. I samband 595. 713. 950.
NGC 595 - NGC 595 -
NGC 595 is situated north of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the northern hemisphere. Object Name NGC 595 Object Type HII Ionized region NGC 595: A Great Diffuse Nebula in M33 StarformingNebulaNGC 595in the Triangulum Galaxy M33in Triangulum Discovered by Heinrich Ludwig d'Arrest on October 1, 1864. The giant H II region NGC 595 in the Triangulum Galaxy M33, photographed with NGC 595 je dio galaksije i nalazi se u sazviježđu Trokut. Prvo otkriće je napravio Heinrich Louis d'Arrest 1. oktobra 1864. godine. Astronomers have used NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory to discover one of the nearest supermassive black holes to Earth that is currently undergoing powerful outbursts.
NGC 595 je
2021-3-31 · NGC 595, Yeni Baş Kataloqda qeydə alınmış H II bölgesidir.Göy üzündə Ücbucaq bürcü istiqamətində yerləşir.GxyP tipli qalaktikadır.
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.. . 316. Hård af Segerstad, J. C.-G., Länsnotarie .
NGC 5195 (also known as Messier 51b or M51b) is a dwarf galaxy that is interacting with the Whirlpool Galaxy (also known as M51a or NGC 5194). Both galaxies are located approximately 25 million light-years away in the constellation Canes Venatici. NGC 585 is a spiral galaxy in the constellation of Cetus, which is about 245 million light-years from the Milky Way 's center.The object was discovered on December 20, 1827 by the British astronomer John Frederick William Herschel. NGC 595 is an H II region in the Triangulum Galaxy.
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NGC 593 - linsformig galax. Beskrivning NGC 593:
or Best Offer. FAST 'N Condition: NGC Graded MS 65, Attractive darker golden surfaces. Downtown Elmhurst, IL. $595.00.