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Kæden består af 410 butikker og 552 forhandlere over hele Sverige. Systembolaget (sanatarkasti suom. Järjestelmäyhtiö) on Ruotsin valtion omistama yritys, jolla on lakisääteinen monopoli yli 3,5 % alkoholia sisältävien juomien vähittäiskauppaan Ruotsissa ja joka on siten Suomen Alkoa vastaava yritys. Systembolaget Aktiebolag er eit svensk statleg organ som har eit nasjonalt monopol på butikksal av alkoholhaldige drikkar med over 3,5 % volumprosent (vin, sterkøl og brennevin). Bakgrunnsstoff [ endre | endre wikiteksten ] O Systembolaget é uma empresa estatal de lojas de bebidas alcoólicas na Suécia. É propriedade do Estado, e é o único sítio onde se podem comprar bebidas com teor alcoólico superior a 3,5%. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] Systembolaget A Wikipédiából, a szabad enciklopédiából Systembolaget egy állami, monopolhelyzetben levő, alkoholos italokat értékesítő bolthálózat Svédországban.
Systembolaget (; colloquially known as systemet ("the system") or bolaget ("the company"); literal English translation: the System Company) is a government owned chain of liquor stores in Sweden.
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Om Systembolaget; Alkoholforskning; English; Visselblås; Information in other languages 2019-01-10 · Media in category "Systembolaget" The following 41 files are in this category, out of 41 total. (20) The rule governing the transfer of orders for alcoholic beverages to Systembolaget (Paragraph 5 of Chapter 5 of the Law on alcohol) and the rule on the prohibition of private importation of such beverages by individuals (Chapter 4 of the Law on alcohol) are complementary and indivisible: both of them are designed to channel demand for alcohol on the part of Swedish consumers into the exclusive system of retail sales of alcohol controlled by Systembolaget.
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Commons is a freely licensed media file Systembolaget is a company defined by sustainability.
Systembolaget driver en kedja med drygt 440 butiker och cirka 5 800 anställda. Systembolaget har också cirka 500 ombud på mindre orter och i glesbygden. Systembolaget ( suedeză: [sʏˈsteːmbuːlɑːɡɛt] ( ascultă), „Compania sistemului”), colocvial cunoscută sub numele de systemet („sistemul”) sau bolaget („societatea”), este un lanț de magazine de băuturi alcoolice aflat în proprietatea statului în Suedia.
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Järjestelmäyhtiö) on Ruotsin valtion omistama yritys, jolla on lakisääteinen monopoli yli 3,5 % alkoholia sisältävien juomien vähittäiskauppaan Ruotsissa ja joka on siten Suomen Alkoa vastaava yritys. Systembolagetilla on yli 400 omaa myymälää ja lisäksi yli 500 asiamiestä ympäri Ruotsia. Systembolaget i Kortedala, den 1 juli 2006, bild 8.JPG 1,536 × 2,048; 354 KB Systembolaget innen.jpg 1,994 × 1,329; 507 KB Systembolaget kö 23 dec 1957.jpg 794 × 686; 233 KB Systembolaget (; colloquially known as systemet ("the system") or bolaget ("the company"); literal English translation: the System Company) is a government owned chain of liquor stores in Sweden. It is the only retail store allowed to sell alcoholic beverages that contain more than 3.5% alcohol by volume. Systembolaget (Swedish: [sʏˈstêːmbʊˌlɑːɡɛt] (listen), "the System Company"), colloquially known as systemet ("the system") or bolaget ("the company"), is a government -owned chain of liquor stores in Sweden.
Systembolaget säljer även alkoholfria drycker med en alkoholhalt under 0,5 volymprocent. Systembolaget driver en kedja med drygt 440 butiker och cirka 5 800 anställda.
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You can also read about the challenges we encounter, the final accounts and how our business is affected by a rapidly changing world. Systembolaget. Systembolaget Aktiebolag er eit svensk statleg organ som har eit nasjonalt monopol på butikksal av alkoholhaldige drikkar med over 3,5 % volumprosent ( vin, sterkøl og brennevin ).