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European Commission staff members are encouraged to be active users of social media in their personal capacity. If they mention in the profile where they work, they should note in their profiles that statements and opinions are personal and that they do not represent the official position of the Commission. Social Europe, Brussels, Belgium. 122K likes.

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We aren't backed by a large publishing house or big advertising partners. For the longevity of Social Europe we depend on our loyal readers - we depend on you.

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In this respect social protection is generating further political interest as it allows for the rapid channeling of support to people most in need of assistance, and mitigates the effects of humanitarian disasters by strengthening targeted beneficiaries coping mechanisms.

It includes free beaches (or clothing-optional beaches or nude beaches) and some naturist resorts. Russia is the largest transcontinental European economy and will remain so until at least 2030 San Marino is Europe's smallest economy, and is also the third weakest growing economy in Europe United Kingdom is the largest European economy in the Commonwealth of Nations, and is also the largest non Eurozone economy in Europe. Financial European Committee of Social Rights. The European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) is the body responsible for monitoring compliance in the States party to the Charter.. The ECSR is composed of 15 independent members who are elected by the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers for a period of six years, renewable once. Social protection during the pandemic: freelancers in the creative industries This working paper identifies some key areas of policy intervention for advancing socially sustainable and fair solutions for freelancers working in the creative industries, who are among those who have suffered the most from the economic fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic.
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The European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) is the body responsible for monitoring compliance in the States party to the Charter..

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MEPs are working on a new streamlined version of the fund with a specific focus on EU youth and children. Social Europe, Falkensee. 41,369 likes · 117 talking about this. The purpose of Social Europe (SE) is to help strengthen democratic practice by Social trends, through the ageing of population, the migratory phenomenon or social cohesion, are key questions for the European Union. The Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs laid down objectives to mitigate the effects of population ageing in the field of employment. The pact on immigration and asylum is subject to an intense European debate.