Serstech latest news Serstech - Serstech Chemical
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ChemDash login. Scroll to top The identification of unknown substances has never been easier, quicker or more precise. Serstech Arx and Arx+ introduce the industry-first autofocus solution SharpEye TM that instantly adapts to the sample and the container. Handheld Raman has moved to a new level. Serstech Headquarters. Serstech AB Phone: +46 46 255 112 Åldermansgatan 13 SE-227 64 Lund, Sweden With Serstech Rental, you are virtually risk-free. If you don’t use the instrument, return it.
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It is customizable and works with fully validated libraries. Serstech today received a 5.3 MSEK order from its Asian partner DKSH. DKSH will deliver the products to a national narcotics police organization in South-East Asia. The order consists of the Serstech 100 Indicator and ChemDash software and will be delivered and invoiced in Q3 2020. SERSTECH AB: Serstech receives 8.7 MSEK order from Anton Paar 18 December, 2020; SERSTECH AB: Third Quarter Report 1 January – 30 September 2020 11 November, 2020; SERSTECH AB: Serstech receives 5.3 MSEK order from Asian partner DKSH 24 August, 2020; SERSTECH AB: Serstech receives EU funding for CBRN project 14 August, 2020 Serstech Rental will offer three options – flexible, 36 months or 60 months rental plans.
Your choice of solution. Choose between any of Serstech’s three instruments – Serstech 100 Indicator, Serstech Arx or Arx+.
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If you break the instrument, we’ll ship a replacement. Your choice of solution.
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PEABB, Peab B, Stockholm Stock SERT, Serstech AB, Stockholm Stock Exchange. SHELB.SPO, SHELTON Manager, Global Sourcing at Enics. Lund, Sweden.
ChemDash works both with the cloud and locally on your PC.
Serstech 100 Indicator The Serstech 100 Indicator is a hand-held Raman spectrometer that can identify more than 14.000 substances. It is customizable and works with fully validated libraries. In early 2018, Serstech set the goals to reach 20 signed distribution partner agreements in 2018 and 60 in 2019. Today, Serstech signed its 60th partner agreement and has thereby established access
Serstech AB 瑞典总部 Serstech China 亚洲总部 电话:+46 46 255 112 电话: +86 147 150 142 34
Our Serstech 100 Indicator is an easy-to-use, handheld Raman spectrometer that enables on-the-spot chemical identification and data sharing.
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Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande. Serstech AB,556713-9893 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, varumärken KALLELSE TILL ÅRSSTÄMMA I SERSTECH Aktieägarna i Serstech AB (publ) kallas till årsstämma onsdagen den 24 april 2019 klockan 15.00 på Elite Hotel Ideon Gateway, Scheelevägen 27 i Lund. Anmä Serstech Arx+ comes with a built-in barcode reader which makes it possible to tie a For questions regarding the Serstech Partner Program, visit our website. For questions regarding the Serstech Partner Program, visit our website www.
Serstech har upplevt ett stort intresse för bolagets teknik från både kunder och säljpartners, och i februari 2013 vann. Serstech även priset för ”Bästa pitch och
hos en partner till Serstech visar att bolagets instrument presterade på samma nivå som ett 20 gånger tyngre stationärt instrument. I nuläget kan.
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