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Do do, do do, do do, dodododo do do, and so on. The 'do do's are one high and then one low whilst the 'dodododo' is a scale. It has an synthesised, 'machine' sound, which is minor and slow, and sounds like it's from the 80s or 90s but I don't know. 7. leahnj.

Do do do dodododo song

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The song is real mellow. I feel the vocalist might … DoDoDoDo is a popular song by Rumble Devils | Create your own TikTok videos with the DoDoDoDo song and explore 0 videos made by new and popular creators. TikTok Upload Do Do Dodododo Dodos Dododo song lyrics by entered search phrase. It's a male vocalist, so I know it's not Suzanne Vega's Tom's Diner.

Kommer fortsätta comes back to you ›​Ellie Goulding - Your song Here comes the sun, dodododo.

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Juli 2017 De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da. Don't think me unkind. Words are hard to find. The only cheques I've left unsigned. From the banks of chaos in my  18 Nov 2004 These threads get annoying, but in any case I haven't been able to find other insturments).

Do do do dodododo song

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Pretty sure it's been used in movies a fair bit. 2012-06-25 DJ Striden - Do Do Song [Melodic Electro] - YouTube. DJ Striden - Do Do Song [Melodic Electro] Watch later. Share. Copy link. Info. Shopping.

Vi hade can't touch this dodododo, do do. Agora eu fiquei dododododo doce. Agora eu fiquei doce Aí veio a herança do meu véio. E resolveu os Party Song - Oxford Drama: ''Översättning och text  Eurovision Song Contest får flytta för att några mesiga mesmänniskor ska I would ask myself to marry meeeeeee! "I'm going to IKEA dododododo WOOH! Men håll utkik för den kommer inte dö!
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2013-05-17 · It's the chorus of a song I've got stuck in my head lol. it's from the early 90's i think and it's a woman singing dodo do do do dodo, dodo do do do dodo, dodo do do do dodo dodo just for the chorus and then she says sumthing like 'just be mine' at the end. it's like george michael, take that etc actually it sounds VERY similar to the do do Do Do Dodododo Do Do Do Do Do 2017 Song lyrics. Browse for Do Do Dodododo Do Do Do Do Do 2017 Song song lyrics by entered search phrase.

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2008-10-31 · and a girl sings for a little bit and she says something like "touch me and kiss me and love me right" and the beat continues do doo do do do, doo do do.PLEASE I NEED TO KNOW! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Update: LMFAO IF YOU GUYS ARE GONA HATE THEN DONT ANWSER FOOLS! =] THANKS ANYWAY. 2013-03-11 · If you don't figure out the name of this song you're literally going to go crazy.