other premises - Swedish translation – Linguee


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2019-11-20 Regulation EC No 854/2004 (PDF 262kb) Regulation EC No 852/2004 (PDF 110kb) Food premises approved under these regulations must meet additional requirements above the general requirements for food premises as they usually involve more high risk operations. All food premises producing products of animal origin are required to be approved unless 2011-06-17 Approval of food premises The authority is required to inspect and approve any premises defined as products of animal origin such as meat, dairy, egg or fish product plants under EC derived The requirements regarding approved premises are set out in the regulations below and are enforced within all EU member states to ensure consistency of standards. Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 Hygiene Rules for Food of Animal Origin. Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Hygiene of Foodstuffs.

Ec approved premises

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Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Hygiene of Foodstuffs. Approval of Food Premises. Haringey Council is required to inspect and approve any premises defined as products of animal origin such as meat, dairy, egg or fish product plants under EC derived legislation. The premises are approved under Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) principles: Author: Conn Rodgers Created Date: 10/2/2014 3:36:15 PM Approved Premises (APs) are premises approved under Section 13 of the Offender Management Act 2007. They provide intensive supervision for those who present a high or very high risk of serious harm. They are mostly used for people on licence, but they also accommodate small numbers of people on bail or community sentences. Title: Commission Decision of 18 August 2010 authorising physical checks pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 669/2009 to be carried out at approved premises of feed and food business operators in Malta (notified under document C(2010) 5684)Text with EEA relevance 2013-01-01 Approved premises.

It should establish a procedure for the granting, for a transitional period, of guarantees to any Member State that has an approved national control programme which, for the food of animal origin concerned, is equivalent to those approved for Finland and Sweden. You can also read the Approved Premises Rules which should be available at your hostel or, again, on line. No-one wants to be in an Approved Premises but we are all in the same boat regardless of what has happened to us.

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Food premises approved under these regulations must meet additional requirements above the general requirements for food  Oct 6, 2020 Council Directive 2002/99/EC laying down the animal health rules shows the approval number of the approved premises together with an  Lists of these premises can be found by visiting the 'List of approved with the Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 and other appropriate hygiene regulations,  Jul 16, 2019 Approved premises for meat, dairy, poultry, fish and egg products to meet additional food law that is contained in EC Regulation 853/2004. Foods that originate from approved premises throughout the EU are required Apr 17, 2019 and approve any premises defined as products of animal origin such as meat, dairy, egg or fish product plants under EC derived legislation. EC Regulation 853/2004 laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin *(Article (6) of EC Regulation 852/2004) Approved food premises. Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 Hygiene rules for food of animal origin [271kb].

Ec approved premises

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The premises are approved under. The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006; Regulation EC No 853/2004; Regulation EC No  This licence will be required by larger food business establishments proposing to manufacture and handle "products of animal origin".

These include premises where meat is processed or prepared, manufacturers of meat, dairy, egg or fish products, some wholesalers, and cold stores. Application for Approval of a Food Business Establishment Subject to Approval under Regulation (EC) No. 853/2004. Approved premises provide enhanced supervision in order to promote public protection. No other community facility can provide this range of restrictive . and protective measures. We are confident that the use of approved premises does not place local residents at an increased risk of … Premises which are additionally approved for export of meat to a named Third Country are listed below, by country and species.
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Introduction . I understand that I can live in the Approved Premises for a short time only. I will not be able to live there permanently and I will live there as a resident – but not as a tenant. I agree to share any relevant information with the Approved Premises staff, the Benefits Agency and the GP Practice. If the premises and procedures comply with the food hygiene regulations, the premises will be approved.

Therefore, Approved Premises are primarily intended for High Risk of Harm offenders:- Staff commissioning and providing Approved Premises services therefore must ensure that the outputs and outcomes in the Service Specification are all met. 1.9 Offender managers intending to refer offenders to Approved Premises, and managing offenders in Approved Premises, must follow the guidance contained in Annex B. Resource impact.
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This includes a detailed HACCP plan to ensure the food business operator is … The Approved Premises Handbook 2002 confirms this core purpose, adding: “They are intended as a base from which residents can take full advantage of community facilities for work, education, training, treatment and recreation”, and this has not changed. Therefore, Approved Premises are primarily intended for High Risk of Harm offenders:- Approved Premises also have to provide a positive regime of constructive interventions for residents to reduce the factors linked to their offending. The period of residence is an opportunity to move an offender towards resettlement so they can eventually take their place safely and independently in the community. View Academics in Approved Premises on Academia.edu.