Steven Lukes: Makt – ett radikalt synsätt – Brunbergs
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Lukes är professor i sociologi och skrev 1974 en bok, Power: A Radical View TWO FACES OF POWER The r ept of power remains clusive despite the rent and prolific STEVEN LUKES. Maktens tre ansikten. POWER. A RADICAL VIEW.
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Steven Lukes. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package. This paper. A short summary of this paper. Power: A Radical View. Download.
Steven Michael Lukes, född 1941, är en politisk och social teoretiker..
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One assesses the main debates about how to conceptualize and study power, including the influential contributions of Michel Foucault. Steven Lukes’Power:A Radical Viewwas enormously influential for such a short book.As well as spawning a large debate among conceptual theorists it also led to a number of empirical studies attempting to measure the impact of power’s third dimension on people’s lives.
ISBN: 9780333420911,0333420926,9780333420928, Lukes, Steven, (2005) Power : a radical view 2. expanded ed. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Lukes , Steven ( 2005 ) Power . A Radical View ( second edition ) .
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av C Ljunggren · Citerat av 1 — power brought about of others. Keywords: John Dewey, social control, power, self-control, culture, Lukes, Steven (2005): Power: A Radical View, 2nd ed. Power in world politics, s.
Power Revisited reconsiders Steven Lukes' own views in light of these debates and of
Steven Lukes' Power: A Radical View is a seminal work still widely used some 30 years after publication. The second edition includes the complete original text alongside two major new essays. One assesses the main debates about how to conceptualize and study power, including the influential contributions of Michel Foucault.
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Power, Second Edition: A Radical View Facebook
London: Palgrave, 2005. ISBN: 0-333-42092-6.In addition to adding context, PRV2 substantially refines the dimensional view of power."7 In short, Lukes should re-title his book something like Domination: A Radical View. Morriss's argument, however, is unpersuasive. He does not dispute Lukes's point that "power over" is a legitimate sub-species of "power to"—that is, that power as a capacity is sometimes exercised in ways that affect others. Lukes suggests that one-dimensional view of power presupposes a liberal conception of interests, the two dimensional view a reformist conception, and the three-dimensional view a radical conception (p.38). Get this from a library!