Konvertera Tryck, Bar - Convertworld
cm) 1325.631076871 kgf/m2 (kg per sq. meter) 130 mbar (millibar) 0.13 bar 0.128300025 atm (standard atmosphere) 0.132563108 at (technical atmosphere) 97.508018752 torr 1325.631270174 mmH2O (mm of water) 97.508018752 mmHg (mm of mercury) 1 kPa to mm of mercury = 7.50062 mm of mercury. 5 kPa to mm of mercury = 37.50308 mm of mercury. 10 kPa to mm of mercury = 75.00616 mm of mercury. 15 kPa to mm of mercury = 112.50923 mm of mercury. 20 kPa to mm of mercury = 150.01231 mm of mercury. 25 kPa to mm of mercury = 187.51539 mm of mercury.
mmHg. Pa bar psi mvp. kPa. MPa. 1 -. 10 -. 100 -. 1,6 -.
For converting kPa ->mm Hg, the appropriate conversion factor is. [bar], Kilopascal [kPa], Megapascal [MPa], Metro columna de agua [mH2O], Milómeter columna de mercurio [mmHg], pound per inch cuadrada [PSI], Torr. (mm Hg); 100 кПа = 0.1 мПа (mPa); 100 кПа = 1 бара (bar); 100 кПа = 0.987 атм (atm); 4 Mar 2021 One unit of gas pressure is the millimeter of mercury (mmHg).
5. 9 qo004f.eps. Pos. Del eller tillbehör.
0,01934. Vid definitionen av mmHg har densiteten för kvicksilver angetts till 13 595,1 där normalt lufttryck, cirka 100 kPa eller 1000 mbar motsvarar 760 mm kvicksilver.
10 mm Hg = 13,6 cm H2O = 1,33 kPa. 0. 50.
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you cannot convert kPa to mL.
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foot) The pressure value 13.3 kPa (kilopascal) in words is "thirteen point three kPa (kilopascal)". Vid mätning av blodtryck anses "120/80" som normalt, vilket betyder att det systoliska övertrycket är 120 mmHg, eller cirka 16 kPa eller 0,16 bar,ö, medan det diastoliska övertrycket är 80 mmHg, eller knappt 11 kPa eller 0,11 bar,ö. The commonly used multiple units of the pascal are the hectopascal (1 hPa ≡ 100 Pa), kilopascal (1 kPa ≡ 1000 Pa), and megapascal (1 MPa ≡ 1,000,000 Pa). Millimeter Mercury (0°C) : Millimeter of mercury is a small pressure unit which represents the pressure pushing down due to gravity of any volume of liquid mercury which is 1mm high. kilopascal (kPa) hectopascal (hPa) pascal (Pa) Bar and its multiples. bar (bar) millibar (mbar) Atmosphere.